Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Colombia is in the north-west of South America. It is fourth largest country in South America. It has an area or 912,050 square kilometers. The population of Colombia is very varied. There are diferent mixtures of white, indian and black people. Spanish is the main language of the country.
I am planing to visit Colombia on one week.
Days 1-2
The capital of Colombia is Bogota. It is in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, the weather is cold, then I am going to wear shelter clothes.
Days 3-4
Medellin is the secound city in Colombia, It is to the north-west of Bogota, It is an industrial center. A lof of coffee and 75% of the gold produced in the country comes from this area.
Day 5
Cali is the third. It is a commercial city. It is to the south-west of Bogota.
Day 6-7
Barranquilla is the fourth city in size, It is a port on the River Magdalena on the Caribbean Coast.

My favorite animal: The Rabbit.

For me the animal most interesting is the rabbit, because It is the quickest. They have big eyes and long ears. They have these felts very unroll for to protect of the dangers. Children like them. At the Azuay there many breeding places of rabbits and cuys, for to sell them. They are part of tradicional food at this region.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Otavaleños
The otavaleños live in Imbabura. A lot of otavaleños are bilingual. They speak Quichua and Spanish. Some of them are trilingual. They speak Quichua, Spanish and also English. They sell a lot of handicrafs, for example, weavings, sweaters, hats and bags. The town of Otavalo is a comercial place. The market in very famous, here go a lot of tourist. It is on saturday. People come from a lot of countries to visit. The women in Otavalo wear white blouses and black skirts. They also wear a piece of material on their head, it is called a "fachalina"

Saturday, November 17, 2007



Puerto Varas


Petrohue Falls

Nahuel Huapi

During five days you will know the most beatiful scenery in the world!!.
The tour start in Puerto Varas in the south of Chile. Puerto Varas is a city with german style, is located around the big, blue Llanquihue lake, at bottom the Osorno Volcano as beatiful as Fuji Volcano in Japan. We will go up this volcano in horses.

The next stop: Petrohué Falls. It is a group of falls of turquoise color, is located in the middle of the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park. Near of here we will visit the Esmerald Laggon, its color is esmerald, is a quite a beatiful scenery too.

We will travel to the next lake: Todos Santos at Botton The Puntiagudo Volcano, Calbuco Volcano and Osorno Volcano, a spectacular sigh!!!.

In this place we will take a Scorpyos Catamarán. We will travel for two days crossing the Argentina's border to Nahuel Huapi lake. During all this travel you will can enjoy the most beautifuls sceneries in the world. There will many activities the first night will be special. There will a show with tipycal music, dance and food. Enjoy dancing Cueca, eating a Salmon, feeling the lagoon spirit.

The second day, prepare your camera ...because we will have a pothographic tour!, walking for the National Park! . After the meal you will have an opportunity of participate in fly fishing. We will give a premium for the "biggest Salmon".

At night we will arrive to Bariloche city in Argentina, called The Austrian's Argentina

The last day we will visit Otto Hill, on the top of the hill with a beatiful sight of all place, in the restaurant you will enjoy the most delicious typical food, with austrian's recips. Test the speciality the selva Negra's cake. In the city tour, you smell the chocolate odor in the streets, while walk for the center of Bariloche, here you will get anything kind of chocolate include the most exotic ones.

The price of the Tour is $1.890. The tour include: Ticket Guayaquil-Santiago-Puerto Montt-Santiago-Guayaquil, hotels, the catamaran travel, and all its foods. The best time for the visit is Dec-Mar.

Friday, November 16, 2007


The travel to Loja will has a duration of three days. It begin in November 16 and finish in November 18.
In this trip we will know the most important places of the city and also te most beautiful like: Jipiro park , Vilcabamba, different museums, some discotheques, churchs, etc

First day

We will visit the Botanic Garden Reinaldo Espinosa, then we will go to the National Park Podocarpus. In the afternoon we will go out to the malacatos valley where we can know the panela factory. And for finish we will visit the Vilcabamba Valley where we can see the tropical cultivations and the zoo of Yamburara and here we will have a dinner.

Second day

We will have visits to the Jipiro park, churchs, museums and stores of handicrafts. We wil have a lunch in the Grand Victoria’s Hotel. We will go to the museum of religious art and to the center of the city where there are the best discotheques of the city like: Santo Remedio, La fiesta and Casa Tingo.

Last day

This day is the Independence’s day, So we can go to the parade in honor to the city and also we can enjoy of the typical food of Loja. In te afterrnoon we wiil go to Toma where we can enjoy of a nice weather and to saty in a relaxing place.

The Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon lizard, discovered by the West in 1910, is the world's largest lizard and can grow up to three metres (almost ten feet) in length. Average lifespan is around twenty years. They live on a small number of Indonesian islands, including the eponymous Komodo Island itself. Their preferred habitat is dry, hot places such as open grassland. They are currently classified as a vulnerable species however they could become endangered.
Komodos are part of the awesome monitor lizard family. They can see up to 300 metres and their eyes are better adapted to seeing movement than stationary objects. Komodo dragons were initially thought to be completely deaf, however more recent research has shown that they can hear, albeit in a restricted frequency range.
The Komodo's main hunting sense is that of smell. The lizard samples the air with its tongue then returns the two tongue tips to the mouth where the air is "analysed". A Komodo dragon can sense the smell of carrion up to four kilometres (two and a half miles) away.
Given their size, Komodo dragons are not built for a long chase - however they can sprint at up to 20 kilometres per hour (12 miles per hour) for short periods of time. Their preferred hunting strategy to get food is thus to sit quietly in one spot waiting for something big and tasty to come near

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Square San Martin, Lima


The trip to the Peru will have the duration of five days. The trip to the Peru was carried out with the purpose of rescuing archaeological places where they settled old cultures. The exit will be the day December ten the 2007. The route is Cuenca-Lambayeque-Chepén-Trujillo-Cuenca. But not forget what in Perú the money is Soles, your could changue en some Bank of this contry or In Ecuador.

Map of the places to visit

The first day will be the exit it will be from Cuenca toward Lambayeque - Chiclayo. This place has a great archaeological fortune of the cultures Mochica - Chimú. In this city archaeological establishments exist as El Señor of Sipán, El Señor of Sicán and the pyramids of Túcume. At the moment, Chiclayo is the second archaeological destination of the Peru, after the Cuzco. Chiclayo and their neighboring towns are famed to be the earth of the sorcerers and of the esoterism.

Museum of the real tombs
of "El Señor of Sipan".

Sican museum

The second day you traveled toward the city of Chepen. The city of Chepén is to 130 meters on the level of the sea. To 689 Km. of Lima, 130 Km. of Trujillo, 180 of Cajamarca and at 70 of Chiclayo. In this city they are two of the most imposing archaeological vestiges in the culture Moche: San José of Moorish and the Strength Mochica of Chepén.

Excavations in San José de Moro

The third day the trip continued toward Trujillo's city. In Trujillo's city we visited one another complex archaeological as: La Huaca del Brujo. Also next to this city is the archaeological complex of the city of Chanchan that Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity was declared by UNESCO. The city has its warm climate, an annual temperature that it oscillates between the 18 and the 25 ºC.

Chanchan city

THE FOURTH DAY The fourth day you continued in Trujillo's city, where the tourists will visit one another the archaeological places: Huaca del Sol y de la Luna. This visit will be with the archaeologist's Santiago Uceda.

Huaca del sol y la luna

The fifth day you returned toward the city of Chepen. In this city one will have a company to commercial centers where they will be been able to buy crafts, restaurants. And finally to return to Cuenca in the afternoon.

It is not necessary to forget that during the visit to the mentioned places spaces will be given to amuse in the night in some disco or a good restaurant. The thigns aren`t expensives.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007



Baños lies four hours from the capital city of Quito; it is a peaceful little city on the slopes of Tungurahua Volcano at 1,820 meters above sea level. This Andean village is surrounded by snowcapped volcanoes and has wonderful thermal springs. The impressive snowcapped volcanic peaks that surround Baños are four in number: TUNGURAHUA (5,061m), CHIMBORAZO (6,310m), ALTAR (5,320m) and CARIHUAIRAZO (5,020m). Baños is in a valley forming a "biological corridor" between two national parks: "Sangay National Park", facing northward on the right side, named a World Heritage and a kind of continental "Galapagos"; and, on the left side, "Llanganates National Park". Located in a valley of waterfalls and hot winds in the province of Tungurahua, Baños has become an interesting destination for international travelers seeking a temperate climate all year round. It has a small-town atmosphere, and is the starting point for exploring outdoors Ecuador. Four hours by bus from Quito, Baños offers adventure sports such as trekking, horse-trekking, canoeing, mountain climbing and mountain bike. It also offers easy access to Riobamba, the nearby capital of the Province of Chimborazo; likewise, it is the starting point of an exciting train trip that will take us to the coast or to Puyo, one of the entry points to the Amazon River. Baños is also an excellent place to learn Spanish, as its population is famous for good pronunciation. During the week, Baños is a sanctuary of peace and quiet. The big events here are the occasional traditional Andes produce fair and the English-spoken film shown nightly in the movie theater or the town chapel; However, on weekends and feast days Baños becomes a "carnival town". This "mountain-spa" has 13,000 inhabitants, is on the right bank of the Pastaza river, and is one of the few places on Earth where the four primeval elements come together: the fire of the volcanoes, the water of the waterfalls and rivers, the wind and the soil; this creates a kind of energy-giving center that is ideal for enjoying nature and renewing one's vigor. From the remotest times this place attracted many visitors. It is a fact that Indian chieftains used to come to Baños with their consorts to recover their health after battles. Currently, travelers from all over the world come here seeking adventure; some people, deeply impressed by its beauty, have even stayed to live here. One of its main attractions is seeing the smoke and ashes spewed forth by the Tungurahua crater form ghostly shapes and present incandescent shows on the horizon, overawing viewers with this really indescribably majestic display of nature's might. Baños is a valley surrounded by waterfalls, with a total of 57. The "Virgin's Fall" is a unique case in Ecuador of a waterfall within city limits. Another singularly beautiful fall is "El Manto de la Novia" (Bride's Veil), with its 80 meter height. However, the most impressive one is "Pailon del Diablo" or "Rio Verde", considered to be one of the ten main falls in the world with its 100 or so meter height. Here the water falls sheerly over a gigantic wall of rock, shaking the ground with its impact. In this beautiful mountain spa, the Andean forest combines with the high Amazonian forest, generating an unimaginable biodiversity, and producing 165 recognized native species - the same number that exist on the Galapagos Islands.


1. - PRIVATE TRANSPORT Driver, Seats reclining, Air, Heating, DVD, MP3 QUITO-CUENCA-GUAYAQUIL Towards BATHS (minimum 10 pax)

2. - COMFORTABLE LODGING* Married, Triple or Multiple accomodation* Bath Deprived with hot water to pressure* TV Cable 40 channels* Breakfasts to its election

3. - FEEDING GOURMET* Dinners in CASA HOOD (American) or BUON GIORNO (Italian)* Typical roast of goodbye

4. - ITINERARY:* Char it of coexistence with Tungurahua Volcano* Projection of video of Baths* Viewpoint of the San Francisco bridge* Tasting of Cane Juice, Marshmallows and Candies of Guava* Process of work of the Ivory palm in Artisan Factory* News distribution in the Office of Tourism* Purchases in Artisan Market* It visits the Church, Sanctuary and Museum of the Virgin of Rosario* Artisan factory Salazaca* Cracked the Hair of the Virgin; only within a city * Mineral water taking of a natural slope* It dams Hydroelectric and Cascade of the Agoyan* Puenting towards the White River

(OPTIONAL)* Crossing in tarabita on the Cascade of the Mantle of the Fianc2ee* Observation of wild orchids* Desenso by the tropical humid forest* Crossing of the Suspension bridge on the River Verde* Decenso towards the base of the Cascade of the Pailon of the Devil* Diurnal viewpoint of Tungurahua Volcano in cuadrones from Lligua (OPTIONAL) * Relax in the Volcanic Spas of the Virgin* Viewpoint Nocturne of Tungurahua Volcano and its eruptive process

(OPTIONAL KID) * Canelazos of courtesy, bonfire and malabares from the Viewpoint of Bellavista.* Farra, free entrance and cocktail of courtesy in Leprechaun Bar and Santo Pecado * Visit Zoological for the animal observation and bird* Stroll to horse by the environs of the City

(OPTIONAL)* Famous purchases of the Jeans de PelileoOPTIONAL SERVICES:* Rafting by Rio Pastaza level 3 (it does not need experience) $30 (1/2 Day) * Jump of the Bridge or Pendulum from the river Blanco $ 15 (1/2 hour)* Canyoning. - Decenso de Cascadas with Harness $ 30 (1/2 Day) * Kid Route of Cascades $ 8* Nocturnal kid to the Viewpoint of Volcano $ 4* Cuadrones $ 10 xs hour* Gusanito for City Infantile Tour $ 2* Cavalcades $ 10 xs hour

Friday, November 2, 2007


Always my dream was traveling to Venecia because i think is a romantic city and it has a very interesting old architecture.

I am traveling on November with my boyfriend. Our travel is for five days and the price is 2000 dolars for each one, this includes the lodging and breakfast. we are carring a credit card for some emergency.

After arriving in the hotel Ca'Del Campo. We are planning to visit the Church of St. Marcos, St. María Gloriosa dei Frari and Church of St. María of the health, in the night we are walking for the street nearer to the hotel.

In the second and third day we are going to continue sightseeing the rest of cruches like the Church of St. Jorge the Major and Santísimo Redentor, after that we are visiting some palaces: Ca' d'Oro, Ca' Rezzonico, Palace Ducal, Palace Grassi, Ca' Pesaro, Ca' Tron, Palace Vendramin.

In the fourth and fifth day we are meeting the channels of Venice like: Bridge of the Academy Bridge of the Sighs Bridge of Rialto Bridge of Barefoot the Fourth Bridge on the Grande Channel and for this we are taking a gondola serenade because for us this is the most important and the romantic thing of Venice.

After this we will buy gifts for our families, and we will be happy to have known venice and sad to have to return.