Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Square San Martin, Lima


The trip to the Peru will have the duration of five days. The trip to the Peru was carried out with the purpose of rescuing archaeological places where they settled old cultures. The exit will be the day December ten the 2007. The route is Cuenca-Lambayeque-Chepén-Trujillo-Cuenca. But not forget what in Perú the money is Soles, your could changue en some Bank of this contry or In Ecuador.

Map of the places to visit

The first day will be the exit it will be from Cuenca toward Lambayeque - Chiclayo. This place has a great archaeological fortune of the cultures Mochica - Chimú. In this city archaeological establishments exist as El Señor of Sipán, El Señor of Sicán and the pyramids of Túcume. At the moment, Chiclayo is the second archaeological destination of the Peru, after the Cuzco. Chiclayo and their neighboring towns are famed to be the earth of the sorcerers and of the esoterism.

Museum of the real tombs
of "El Señor of Sipan".

Sican museum

The second day you traveled toward the city of Chepen. The city of Chepén is to 130 meters on the level of the sea. To 689 Km. of Lima, 130 Km. of Trujillo, 180 of Cajamarca and at 70 of Chiclayo. In this city they are two of the most imposing archaeological vestiges in the culture Moche: San José of Moorish and the Strength Mochica of Chepén.

Excavations in San José de Moro

The third day the trip continued toward Trujillo's city. In Trujillo's city we visited one another complex archaeological as: La Huaca del Brujo. Also next to this city is the archaeological complex of the city of Chanchan that Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity was declared by UNESCO. The city has its warm climate, an annual temperature that it oscillates between the 18 and the 25 ºC.

Chanchan city

THE FOURTH DAY The fourth day you continued in Trujillo's city, where the tourists will visit one another the archaeological places: Huaca del Sol y de la Luna. This visit will be with the archaeologist's Santiago Uceda.

Huaca del sol y la luna

The fifth day you returned toward the city of Chepen. In this city one will have a company to commercial centers where they will be been able to buy crafts, restaurants. And finally to return to Cuenca in the afternoon.

It is not necessary to forget that during the visit to the mentioned places spaces will be given to amuse in the night in some disco or a good restaurant. The thigns aren`t expensives.



Silvy said...

Great!!! I would like to visit Peru too. It has a lot of interesting places to visit... Also the pictures are very beautifull. Congratulatios!!!

ana said...

Peru is a nice place to visit. It is very close to us, we don't need travel so far. I would like know Peru. Especially "El Señor de Sipán", Cuzco, Macchu Picchu, and Lima.I hope that I can do it soon...

leonardo said...

Fantastic! I did not know that Peru has such beautiful places to visit.I will probably go there sometime.I am pretty sure I will enjoy a great deal.