Tuesday, October 16, 2007



We know a very little about these giants of the sea!!!

In the oceans there are the largest turtles in the World. The turtles are giant reptiles and they are called "Sea Turtles". There are five different kinds of sea turtles in the Atlantic an coastas. Some weigh more than 1500 pounds! Sea turtles have been swimming the seas and coastal bay for millions of years. In the sea turtles find many different kinds of food, for wxample, fish.

The mother turtle lay from 100 to 150 eggs in a hole in the sand. Then she covers the hole with sand. The mother lays so many eggs because so few of her young survive. However, there has been a decline in the number of sea turtles. The meat of some sea turtles is very tasty, and many have been caugth and used in soup or "turtle burgers".

The United States goverment protects many wild animals by large areas of land called "Wildlife Refuges". There they can live without being disturbed by people. It is illegal to hunt turtles and people are not allowed to take their eggs or to disturb the adults. All this rules are necessary in order tahta these interesting reptiles may continue to live...

1 comment:

iliana said...

Really the turttles are beautiful and funny. My friend had a turtle called flash, and believe or not was fast.