Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The panther is a animal fast and strong. lives in the mountains in some countries in europe, america and india.

In cats, melanism results in the fur of the animal being very dark or black in colour. In many cases the usual markings of the animal can be faintly seen through the dark fur, especially at certain angles in bright sunlight.

Melanism occurs because of a mutation or abnormality of one of the cats genes which is associated with coat coloration and markings. Melanism is hereditary, but is not necessarily passed directly from one generation to the next - it is therefore common to see ‘mixed’ litters with one black cub along side normally coloured brothers and sisters.

The panter is my favorite animal because is fast and intelligent and is dangerous this animal is very interesting for me but I have dark too.

In the colege my nickname was panther it is for this reason that this animal it is my favorite and by all the previous typical.


leonardo said...

It is a very interesting and nice article because it mentions something about the color of his fur is a result of a mutation

Maria Fernanda said...

I think that this animale is beautiful and interesting, but I think that is very dangerous specially when it is hungry.

Diana said...

This animals are one of my favorite. They are interesting and strongs. They can run very faster and are beautiful too.