Monday, October 22, 2007

The Lyon

The Lyon is the emblem of the jungle, that’s why the Lyon is usually called “King of the Jungle”. It was the most abundant specie in Africa long long time ago. But its number has decreased lately; it was almost extinguished throughout of the world.
The Lyon generally lives on a large dry environment where vegetation is low and not very abundant. It’s a mammal and also a carnivorous animal; it belongs to the feline family.
The Lyon it’s a quite big animal, has short legs and neck but a big mouth, eyes and a long tail, the shape of his mane is great, I really like it and the way he walks is extremely elegant and his presence is outstanding. This animal has special characteristics that make him an animal with a special conduct such as: sensitive ears and nose, he can detect very easily sounds and smells from long distances, it suspicion makes him a very dangerous animal and makes his manner changes all of the sudden.
The Lyon is my idle because he has a lot of personality an has all the qualities a human being should have as nobility, patience, agility, courage, power, strength, intelligence, wisdom, humidity, curiosity, surprise and mystery.
It’s necessary to point out that its way of acting is unique because he has developed certain peculiarities which depend on the habitat where they have settled.
I don’t know if this animal has had an evolution similar to that of other species, I think that his physical characteristics and conduct hadn’t suffered considerable alterations among the individuals of his specie, because the Lyon was, is and will be the King of the Jungle forever.


juan carlos calderón p. said...

I think that the lion is a great animal, represent the king of the jungle and represent the wild life of the animals. The lion represent for my, thinks like the respect, the force, the brave, and the wild and indomitable spirit of the nature. The lion is one of the most beautiful wild animals, and I like a lot this animal.

ADRIANA said...

Is wonderfull you information
I admire the animal because I am Leo in the Zodiacal sign. Besides is the king jungle
In you article says the cualities that deserve be to imitate

Thomas Youman said...

Hi Leo,

I really like your article, it is very good, and lyons are certainly some impresive animals.

Your writing is also very advanced. There are just some small errors: in the part you say "throughout of the world", you should say only " throughout the world", and when you say, "my idle", you should say "my idol".

Thanks and keep participating.

Anita said...

The lion is the most beautiful animal for me. It is my favorite. I agree, the lion has many important and interesting qualities that to make him be the king of the jungle....!!!