The domestic sheep is a common animal in South America and in other places of the world . Sheeps are the female of lamb. These animals are rumiant and quadruped. They have a lot of wool, and it is to make thread.
Sheep is acquaintance since thousands years ago, because men was always interested in wool, milk, leather and meet sheep.
These are docile obedient quiet animals; they eat grazing, and their time life is from 18 to 20 years.
Finally, there are more of 800 sorts of sheeps in all the world.
I like the sheep, they are pretty and domestics but I don´t like to eat them because its meat is very hard or maybe i don´t have the opportunity to eat with a good preparation.
I like sheeps, too. Because is a quite animal and I think that it is the reason because people kill its.
I like the sheep too. I think that it`s a beautiful a animal. Their wool is fatanstic, it can be used of many forms, like sweaters, socks, or bags, handycrafs too.
I like more the sheeps when are babys. I think that they look better than they are old.
i never imaginy that have to many kinds inside this specie, is unbelieve, to me is a very special animal, and its wool have a lot of utility.
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