Tuesday, October 9, 2007


The museum Manuel Agustìn Landivar, is a site's museum becouse have a ruins of three cultures, cañari, inca and spanish. Were discovered for accident in the 70's. Cañaris culture lived in this zone from 500 dc to 1500dc. They were agriculture people, were a brave race, isn't easy for the inca's conquered them. From the inca's culture, there is a wall, in good conditions, was made in the XV century. The wall was constructed in andesita stone, is a hard volcanic stone, inca's worked the stones, and pulish it. In these place were found ceremonial ceramic, with beatiful colors and design, like a corn plant. The inca's architecture isn't comun because they use nothing in the middle of the stones, but the results are espectaculars. The incas lived just 70 years in the zone but they left a big legacy for us like this site and pumapungo's zone. In the same place we can visit the first moulins in the zone, the spanish people brought at the zone this tecnology, inusual in this land, and lived here more and less 10 years before of the foundation of Cuenca.
The ceramic's pieces in the museum belong at the three history's Cuenca. You can see the rests of the inka's aríbalo, maybe from chief of the inca's. The ceramic of the chaullabamba belong cañaris culture, this ceramic is very special becouse is thin and its form is like a perfect circule, made incredibly without tecnology just with theirs hands, but is strong ceramic because pervive until now, in complete pieces that we can see in the museum.
The entrance at the museum is free, and the atention is excellent.


Franklin Marquez said...

The museum is very good. Despite the step long closed

ana said...

I knew the museum when it was in the other building. Now I have to go for meet it. The museum's name is of my cousin's grandfather. I didn't meet him, but some people told me that he was a very smart person.