Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Florence is a wonderfull place.....!!!!!

I have always dreamt to travel to Italy because I think that this is a beautiful and interesting country for its culture, architecture, history, art, etc, for this reason I am planning to go with my friends to Italy next year. We chose a tour to florence, this tour will last five days and it costs 2500 dolars included dolars all the expenses.

Florence, one of the most outstanding exponents in the Italian art and it is considered as the capital of the Rebirth of the world besides being the capital of the beautiful region of Tuscan. It was founded in the year 59 a.c. When Florence visits it will be enthralled by the artistic and architectural beauties of this city. For the lovers of the art and the culture this is the paradise.

In Florencia we will stay in Manchiavelli Palace Hotel, the coust is 148 dolars each person for all days, It is in the dowtonw.

The first day we will know the best known site and crowning architectural jewel of Florence is the domed cathedral of the city, Santa Maria del Fiore, known as The Duoma. The magnificent done was built by Filippo Brunelleschi. The nearby Campanile tower and the Baptistery buildings are also highlights. Both the dome itself and the campanile are open to tourists and offer excellent views.

Then we will visit Bartolomeo Ammanati's Fountain of Neptune, this is at the heart of the city in Piazza della Signoria, which is a masterpiece of marble sculpture at the terminus of a still functioning Roman aqueduct.

The second Day we will visit The Gallery of the Uffizi without doubts is one of the visited places. It is inside the palace of the family Medici and it dates of the year 1560. Here can be admired an extensive collection of Italian art and of the world. They are incredible the works of the teachers Leonardo Gives Vinci and Botticelli.

The third day we will go to The Lordship's Square is one of the places that cannot get lost. In her several sculptures can be admired among them “The Kidnapping of the Sabinas”, “Hercules and the Centaur Nesso” and “The Source of Neptune”. near there we find The Palazzo Vecchio or Palacio of the Lordship built in the 1294 whose walls are adorned with fresh of Vasari. Their rooms are full with illustrious artists' works of art.

The fourth day we will know The Santa Cruz's Basilica deserves a special mention since here we lodge the tombs of famous such characters as, Dante, Machiavelli and Miguel Ángel among others. Their construction was begun in the 1295. People can stop to see the so famous one you Put on Vecchio that crosses the river Arno. One of their particularities is that along the Bridge they are small houses and trade, many of them that seem to hang of the sides of the bridge. This joined to the characteristic arches makes of this bridge an architectural work of art. Historically, the locals have had a love or hate relationship with the Arno the which alternated from nourishing the city with commerce, and destroying it by flood.

The last day we will go to The Gallery of the Accademia di Belle Arti has housed the original David of Michelangelo since 1873. The sculpture was allegedly brought to the Accademia for reasons of conservation, although other factors were involved in its move from its previous outdoor location on Piazza della Signoria. The original intention was to create a 'Michelangelo museum', with original sculptures and drawings, to celebrate the fourth centenary of the artist's birth. Today the gallery's small collection of Michelangelos include his Captives intended for the tomb ofPope Julius II and a statue of Saint Matthew, all of which are unfinished. In 1939 these were joined by a Pieta discovered in the Barberini chapel in Palestina, though experts now consider its attribution to Michelangelo to be dubious.

1 comment:

leonardo said...

Your article has a full and very interesting information about Florence, a place that is visited by many many tourist, specially by european ones because of its old and modern galeries and strucutres.
Everybody would like to visit it.
Nice job