Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I like the animals a lot. I have had and see some interesting animals but one of my favorites is one reptil called snake one reason is its capacity to hunt its dam you can find it in diferents colours and diferents sizes. there are many kinds of escpecies of snakes like are the anaconda, boa, piton, cascabel between others. The snake caracteristics to hunt are his poison and strangulation this second caracteristic is specialy used by the big snakes to break bones of their victims and stifle. We can find it with more easity in the jungle and you can see them in trees, water and soil. The snakes don't attack humans at least that be the case that they been molested. Some people have fear about snakes but if you find one be quiet and don`t worry....

1 comment:


It is true what You say. The snake is a very interesting animal. That of murdering to their you kill, it is part of the vital cycle of the nature.
But for defenses if he/she becomes a very dangerous animal. People that don't know as to defend or to act in front of a snake run a serious danger, because their poison is mortal. To my what gets me the attention of the snakes is personally their colors.