Saturday, October 20, 2007


The frog is an amphibian. The major of these animals suffer a transformation during their evolution. When they are young, they are aquatics. Their bodies are like a fish and they breathe by branquias. During the evolution, the frog feet become legs and they started to breathe by their lungs, suffering more internal than external changes. Adult frogs are characterised by long hind legs, a short body, protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Most frogs have a semi-aquatic lifestyle, but move easily on land by jumping or climbing. An interesting characteristic of frogs is that they have an adhesive tongue becoming an effective trap for hunting insects. Frogs live in different habitats, but most of them prefer the humid regions. Al though they breathe air, frogs can remain under water for long periods absorbing oxygen through the skin. Some frogs are adapted to live on the trees; others are exclusively aquatic and there are some of them which spend most of their lives in underground burrows. I hope that it has been of its taste and have known a little our friends, the frogs.


gabriela said...

I think that is a nice animal,have a beatiful color and i have heard that this animal have a specie very dangerous for the person because have in its body a poison, but the rest are very sweet.

leonardo said...

Anything that is concerned about
evolution is very interesting ,that is why the frog is a very good example of it.Every thing on the Planet is a evolution result.

fernando said...

I belive that this animal is fantastic it has the ability to hunt with it adhesive tongue so how we can read they are amazing..