Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Wolf

I like the wolf because they have all I like of the world animal. They are Aggressive cute, calculators and dominate its territory. I know for the internet the wolf have various colors some are black and white, with combinations of gold, brown and red. The wolf live in America, Europe and Africa too. Fed meat, insects, fruit and even fish. Living in herds of 150 to 300, Wolves are highly social animals. They live, travel and hunt in highly organized groups, usually of 6-12 animals. Each group has a couple whose dominant male dominates the female to male the other female. The babys-wolf only milk for a month and then eat lunch before digested by his mother.
For these reasons and many more I like very much the wolves
Thanks Bye!!!

1 comment:

Cristina Terán said...

I think that your article is interesting, i like the wolf because they are very pretty like dogs and they have varied colors.